Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Date Nights on the Cheap 5/29/13

Dates can be expensive.  Let's be realistic for a moment.
Dinner at a sit-down restaurant and a movie = easily $50.00. Am I right?

Every Wednesday, I'll be bringing you an inexpensive date night idea in an effort to save you some moolah. Today's cheap date idea: Visit your local bookstore.  Do you have a Barnes & Nobles in your area?  Take advantage! Not only do you have access to all the latest and greatest books and magazines, but it costs you NOTHING to visit the store. Find a couch or table and cozy up together with a few books and relax.  If you're feeling the urge to splurge, consider ordering a cup of joe.  Now, if your guy isn't a big reader, how about making your date competitive?  Take a look at the The Dating Divas: The Book Store Date.  They have the date set up like a scavenger hunt.  You can either work individually and meet up after you feverishly complete the tasks (j/k), or work on it together. Don't forget to print out the materials prior to your date! So cute, and fun!

What are your cheap date night ideas?
I'd love to feature them in a post!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What Really Makes You Happy?

Seems simple enough, right? RIGHT! But, we don't do it!  Why?  Because we don't make the time for it. I don't think our intent is to book ourselves solid everyday, but sure enough it turns into our daily grind.  My suggestion to you is to block out 30 minutes everyday to do more of what makes you happy.  Start this ASAP.  Find time in the day that works best for you. If you're an early bird, consider waking up 30 minutes earlier.  Use your lunch break if you have a hour break.  Or, if you're like me, squeeze it in after work. I want you to use this time to do whatever it is that makes you happy.  For me, this entails a run with the sun beaming down on me, the birds singing, the trees swaying in the wind, and the feeling of my feet hitting the pavement.  Pure bliss. Now, if after work is too chaotic for you, wait until your children are in bed (if you have children), or wait until you start your bedtime routine, and find your "me" time then. I have also been known to lose myself in a good book paired with a warm cup of Sleepytime tea. Zzzzz....

Do more! Why? For me, I feel it has helped me find a sense of balance in my life.  Give it a go, and come back and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear! Life is what you make of it!